About the home screen
The home screen consists of three separate pages for sites, raingauges and soil-water sensors. You can swipe between these pages, or select from the "tab-control" at the bottom of the screen.
(1) Sites Screen | (2) Raingauges Screen | (3) Soil Water Sensors Screen |
(1) Sites Screen
- View summaries of soil water estimates for each paddock.
- Add new sites (+ button)
- Sites are updated automatically each time the page appears.
(2) Raingauges
- List connected raingauges (include api-based, manual entry, bluetooth and Netatmo)
- Add new raingauge (+ button)
- "Networked" and "Bluetooth" raingauges are updated automatically each time the page appears.
- Added data is backed up and available from http://www.soilwaterapp.net.au/ in the“My data” tab when you log in to your account.
- SEE OPTIONS to activate NETATMO and bluetooth sensors.
(2) Soilwater sensors
- List connected soil-water (including push-proble and manual entry )
- Add new soil-water sensor (+ button)
- Added data is backed up and available from http://www.soilwaterapp.net.au/ in the“My data” tab when you log in to your account.
Accessing Options
Removing Sites, Raingauges and SW sensors
Context sensitive help is found at and (top left) throughout.